
6 things you can do now to prepare yourself for a successful 2024

January isn't over yet (and even if it is when you read this, don't panic); there's still time to plan for a successful year.
Here are my suggestions:

Review 2023 results

For reflection, I typically ask myself the following questions:
  • What did I learn in 2023?
  • What things brought me happiness in 2023?
  • What didn't work in 2023?
Answering these questions brings clarity and helps identify key areas for focus in 2024.

List 2024 goals

Don't keep all your ideas and thoughts in your head. Jot them down on paper or your phone. Doing this not only lightens the mental load but also provides a clear overview of your aspirations. It becomes apparent which goals to prioritize and which can wait.

Define emotions tied to the journey goals

Rarely do we consider how we want to feel while pursuing our goals. Describing desired emotions clarifies the actions needed for success. Life continues during goal pursuit, so it's crucial not to miss living it.

Set deadlines on a calendar

Setting a goal without a deadline is like running a marathon without a finish line. Establishing a point for orientation helps gauge time and the sense of urgency for specific actions. Aim for deadlines within a reasonable timeframe, preferably no more than 10-12 weeks.

Outline actions for each goal

Break down each goal into subgoals and small actions. Recognizing the steps needed significantly increases the chances of success. Remember, actions should be small and manageable, not overwhelming.

Kick off with one action today

No actions, no goals. Start today; don't wait until tomorrow or next month. If taking action today seems daunting, the action might be too big and complex. Shrink and simplify it so you can begin immediately.
If you're feeling lost and unsure about your goals and priorities, let's chat. I'd be happy to help you organize your thoughts, identify priorities and goals for 2024, and create a list of actionable steps you can start with right after our call.
2024-01-25 13:06